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2023, 18th August - 17th September I Expanding Space: Artist Residency and Exhibition, Insblaue Art Gallery, Remscheid-Germany
2022, September 22nd-November 13rd I Sustainable Building in the Caucasus in 10th International Biennale Rotterdam, Netherlands I with Bart Feberwee and Ecem Sarıçayır.

2022, June 10th-26th I Layers of Time, Utopiastadt, Wuppertal-Germany I Solo Exhibition  
2020, February 21st-23nd I Photographer of  the Year 2019, Espaçons Espelho  D'agua, Lisbon I Group Exhibition  

2020, February 14-16th I Minimalism, World Hall Gallery, Barcelona I Group Exhibition
2019, November I Memorable Portraits, Qlick Gallery, Amsterdam I Group Exhibition
2017, November I Imaginary (Non)Encountering Situations In An Apartment  Building, Caldas Design Week, Portugal I with Huseyin Cıfel and Ilgın Y. Eldes


I Loop Design Awards 2022 I Photography-Architecture Exteriors I Honorable Mention
2022 I M.Mode Awards 2021 I Architecture and Interior Photography Awards I London I 1st Winner 
2021 I Salt Research Funds Scholarship Award I Reconstruction of the Village in the 20th Century, After the Migration of the Hamshens to the Russian Empire; Example of Makrevis Village (Mansions, Neighborhood) I Istanbul I with Ilgın Eldeş
2017 I Study in Antwerp I Photography Competition I Belgium I 1st Winner 


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